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PARA proveedores de atención médica

Cookie Policy 

This Policy was last updated on 09 June 2023.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a piece of data (text files), which can be stored on a device, such as a PC, a mobile device or any other device that can store information. Cookies collect information like IP addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to you by your Internet service provider so you may access the Internet. Although we do receive IP addresses, we do not use them to identify you personally or disclose them to others.

ICON, as the provider of this website, uses cookies to help you navigate our website, to assist in the collection of website usage statistics as described herein, and to allow site visitors to personalize their experience by accessing information relevant to their area of interest.

We also use third-party cookies – which are cookies from a domain different than the domain of the website you are visiting – for our advertising and marketing efforts 
Below is a detailed list of the cookies we use on our websites. Our websites are scanned with our cookie scanning tool regularly to maintain a list as accurate as possible

Opt out 

We only place non-essential cookies on your device where you have provided your consent.
You can opt-out of each cookie category (except strictly necessary cookies) by clicking on the “manage your cookies” button below . 

Mobile Applications 

We may also collect certain information about your mobile or handheld device on which mobile applications are downloaded or accessed when you use ICON mobile applications.  

We use Google Analytics for Firebase to collect aggregated metrics about how you use our mobile applications for the purpose of understanding any functional problems and improving our services to you. 

Follow the link below for Google’s Privacy Policy www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/

To block cookies

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit https://www.aboutcookies.org/and https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/WEBGUIDE/04.+Cookies+and+similar+technologies.
To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Notification of changes

As www.iconplc.com and ICON evolve and as privacy laws and regulations change, it may be necessary to revise or update our Cookie Policy. When we do we will also revise the 'last updated' date at the top of the Cookie Policy. For more information on ICON’s privacy measures, please visit the privacy link at the bottom of the iconplc.com website.

Privacy Policy

We also refer you to the Privacy Policy for information on the processing of personal data. 

Contact information

Questions or comments related to this policy should be submitted to the ICON Global Data Protection Officer as follows: Global Data Protection Officer, ICON plc, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland and Data_Privacy_Officer@iconplc.com.

Usamos cookies para ofrecerle la mejor experiencia en línea. Si desactiva las cookies, es posible que no pueda acceder a determinadas partes del sitio web. También podría no funcionar como se espera. Puede obtener más información sobre cómo administrar y eliminar las cookies, visitando www.allaboutcookies.org. El uso que usted haga de este sitio queda sometido a nuestros Términos de uso publicados. También puede consultar nuestro Aviso de privacidad.